Our mission is to make our Villa Vacasio part of an eco-friendly, sustainable system which reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Our guiding philosophy is one of green construction, with eco-friendly buildings that use clean, renewable energy. Our photovoltaic system turns sunlight into energy and works together with the solar panels we use for the production and storage of warm water.
Organic farming is core to our concept of the countryside. Our agricultural techniques recognise and preserve the land’s characteristics and properties and contribute to protecting and promoting natural bio-diversity.
Harvesting is done by hand here and the only fertilisers used are organic, as in our ancestors’ day.
But the most important thing, at the heart of all our agricultural processes, is the elimination of chemicals at every stage. We aim to produce food whilst respecting nature, the plants, the animals and the landscape.
Our dream has always been to reconcile human activity with the eco-system so as to create a healthy environment in harmony with the surrounding landscape. That dream is now real.